AIA/AAH National Healthcare Design Awards Program 2010: An Introduction
The AIA Healthcare Awards program showcases the best of healthcare building design and healthcare design-oriented research. Projects exhibit conceptual strengths that solve aesthetic, civic, urban, and social concerns, as well as the requisite functional and sustainability concerns of a hospital.
Serving as jurors for the 2010 awards were: John Pangrazio, FAIA, (Chair) of NBBJ, Seattle; Ruth Benfield, FACHE, of Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle; Paul Bentel, FAIA, of Bentel & Bentel, Locust Valley; Mary-Jean Eastman, FAIA, of Perkins Eastman, New York; Kirk Hamilton, FAIA, of Texas A&M University, College Station; Marlene Imirzian, AIA, of Marlene Imirzian & Associates, Architects, Phoenix; and Ray Pentecost, FAIA, of Clark Nexsen, Norfolk.
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Academy of Architecture for Health (AAH) honored four healthcare facilities with this year’s AAH Design Awards. The recipients were:
Category A: Built, Less than $25 million (construction cost)
Duke Integrative Medicine, Duke University Health System, Durham, North Carolina Duda/Paine Architects, LLP
Advocate Lutheran General Hospital Center for Advanced Care, Park Ridge, Illinois OWP/P | Cannon Design
Category B: Built, More than $25 million (construction cost)
Children’s Medical Center at Legacy, Children’s Medical Center of Dallas, Plano, Texas ZGF Architects LLP and PageSoutherlandPage
Category C: Unbuilt
Seoul National University Hospital Medical Mall, Seoul, South Korea Gresham, Smith and Partners
Healthcare Design 2010 November;10(11):189