The digital transition
In publishing circles, the debate has been raging for years now. With the closing of some high-profile daily newspapers and monthly magazines around the country, that debate has come to the general public, as well. The question at hand: In this instant-information age of the Internet, are the days of print media numbered?
I don’tpresume to have a definitive answer for that question, of course, but I can say that changes are most definitely afoot in the publishing industry to cater to today’s reader. Whether for reasons of convenience, a desire to live “greener,” or simple preference, today’s reader has increasingly shown the desire to read magazines in a digital format.
With this in mind, I am proud to announce that HEALTHCARE DESIGN is now available in a digital version for those who would like it. Simply visit and let us know that you’dlike to receive it this way and we’ll make it happen. The choice is yours as to which format you receive, but the option is there. New subscribers are given the choice from the get-go, and current subscribers can use the form linked above to switch from print to digital whenever they feel the urge to make the move. I don’tforesee a time in the near future when we don’tpublish a print version of HCD, but for those of you already riding the digital publishing wave, the option is now there for you.
Speaking of all things online, I’dlike to remind you all that the nomination period for the 2009 Most Influential People in Healthcare Design is almost over. We’re looking for you to tell us who are the most influential architects, designers, owners, or others impacting the design and construction of healthcare facilities in 2009. I urge you to visit and submit as many names as you like, as often as you like, and for whatever reasons you like. We’ve had a great turnout so far, but make sure you get your nominations in there before the June 12 deadline! The final voting period will begin on June 15. Stay tuned! HD
Todd Hutlock, Editor-in-Chief
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Healthcare Design 2009 June;9(6):8