Getting the Information Out
It’s a common sight: a press release written by a PR agency or the marketing department of a healthcare facility announcing a new healthcare project. There are all sorts of details in the release: size of the project, square footage, cost, location, services offered in the facility, etc.—everything except who planned, designed, and will build the facility.
Their focus is on getting the word out about their facility. Sometimes, a few do manage to list some companies that worked on the project but invariably someone will be left out. It’s the nature of the beast.
It seems like such a simple concept; to acknowledge the firms and businesses that will or have worked to deliver a structure that lends itself to the health and wellbeing of many people. It may not seem like a big deal, but in this small industry a little goes a long way.
It’s always good to see “who did what” and to get a perspective of the work that went into the structure, the challenges and obstacles encountered, and how they were overcome. There is always an interest, in any field, in who won the contract or who will be working on a project.
The facility owner is not obligated to put out a list of names, but the various firms and companies can certainly post something on their own websites and get the information out there. Believe it or not, people really do want to know and are genuinely interested. Maybe they would like to get information, ask questions, or maybe they just want to say, "Job well done!"
So get the word out. Let us know what you've been working on.