Great Leaders are Great Vision-Casters
Our clients often have great vision and concurrently develop executable plans, but they often fail when it comes to effectively sharing that vision down through the organization.
If the strategy does not cascade through the organization and each team and functional area is engaged in a meaningful way, the plan is more likely doomed for failure.
The process should start with the organization being sure of what it is looking to accomplish and its desire for the future. Moreover, the organization needs to know how it wants to get there and the roles and responsibilities of all contributors.
Effectively communicating the vision includes taking into account how the companies vision is aligned with individuals own strategic thinking and plans for their own personal future within the organization. It is always a lot easier to get buy-in when the broader strategic vision is aligned with individual goals.
Many successful organizations at least once per year go through a formal process of articulating a strategic vision for the following 12 months. Often key leaders of all functional areas participate and help set the strategic vision. Sharing the strategic vision is an ongoing process, not a single event. Some other suggestions:
Is the vision realistic?
Leaders need to consider the viability of the strategy. Do we have the resources? Do we have the right talent in place? Do we have the right market conditions? The last thing you want to do is introduce a strategy that isn’t realistic or attainable.
Face time
Hold specific, planned, and highly organized strategy meetings. Develop structured and formal follow up, focus on keeping everyone engaged.
3-D vision-casting
Communication should provide a vivid description of the future state of the organization. Help your team see the big picture. Communicate with passion and excitement while tapping into aspirations.
Know critical success factors
Leaders need to not only articulate the end game but must also explain those factors that are critical and necessary to accomplishing the strategic mission and vision.
Individual contributions
Help individuals think strategically about how they can bring value to the overall strategy. Team leaders need to challenge individuals to grow, learn, and take on additional responsibilities that are aligned with company and individuals goals.
It’s all about execution
Strategic initiatives are only impactful if they are successfully executed. Relentless monitoring, tracking, and honest assessments with actual data increases chances of successful implementation.