Memorial Medical Center—North Tower Building Addition MODESTO, CA
The goals for this major addition responded to the need for growth and expansion of nearly all services for the hospital, located in an area experiencing rapid population growth. The addition is the first part of a multiphase building and remodel program. The current 298-bed, 293,000-square-foot tertiary care facility has 12 ORs and a 27-bay emergency department.
There are two fundamental program components of the first phase: a new 18-OR surgery department, relocated to allow expansion of ED and Imaging Services, and four floors of two 28-bed nursing units that will allow transfer of medical/surgical patients into the new construction, thereby permitting seismic upgrades to the existing nursing wing and renovations for expanded ICU programs.
Our firm worked with the owner during master planning to evaluate site development alternatives. The option chosen involves selective demolition and replacement of displaced departments, including food service and hospital administrative functions. The addition is anchored by a new main entrance and lobby. The main corridor of the existing hospital, the major organizing and wayfinding element of the campus, is extended and enhanced by the new addition. The design emphasizes clear organization of corridor circulation for ease of patient and visitor access, and the use of natural light and views to humanize the interior spaces.
The addition is the first stage in establishing a new campus identity: an expanded medical center fronting on a new campus plaza space. The design of the new main lobby entry needed to work with future expansion as well as the new construction.
The site is very constricted, with a campus road to the north, service drive and parking structure to the east, and necessary future expansion space to the west. Design of the addition as an extension of a fully operational hospital presented challenges in matching floor levels, maintaining exits, and maintaining services.
Large window areas introduce natural light and provide a connection to the outdoors. Patient windows include a combination of clear and coated glazing and have internal shades and shutters for individual control.
Sustainable, durable, low-maintenance materials include linoleum as an alternative to vinyl composition tile, carpet with recycled backing, and formaldehyde-free products and building materials. In addition, low or no volatile organic compounds (VOC) were used, along with certified sustainable wood. Recycled materials were incorporated into all departments and the building overall.
Project category: Project in progress (April 2006)
Chief administrator: David Benn, CEO, (209) 572-7134
Firm: Gordon H Chong & Partners, (415) 433-0120
Design team: John Ruffo, Partner; Doug Olson, Associate Partner; Bryan Shiles, Design Partner; John Sealander, Associate Partner
Illustration: Robert Becker; John Sealander
Total building area (GSF): 366,000
Construction cost/sq. ft.: Not released
Total cost (excluding land): Not released