Survey Reveals Healthcare Industry's Energy Efficiency Priorities
A new survey released by the American Society for Healthcare Engineering (ASHE) and Johnson Controls, a global leader in creating smart and sustainable environments, looks into healthcare business' current and future energy choices as they relate to design and operations.
The 2008 Healthcare Energy Efficiency Indicator report shows that the healthcare industry seems to put a greater importance on many areas of energy efficiency than the overall building industry does. But the study also brings to light areas in which healthcare is lagging in comparison to other industries. For example, although healthcare companies are showing interest in energy-efficient features, they seem to not be as interested in getting their buildings green-certified.
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Revolutionizing the Nursing Unit Design
Janet Paden Faulkner, AIA, LEED AP, of Callison reviews her revolutionary approach to the design of the nursing unit, making this space more useful and inviting for staff and patients alike. She also describes her high-tech vision of the future for the nursing unit in which nurses' equipment is located on a mobile track system, similar to moveable filing systems, that can expand and contract depending on the number of patients and time of day.