Poll Comments: Working Relationships
How would you describe architects/contractors’ working relationship?
“As with CAD a generation ago, it will take time before the industry as a whole is up to speed. Until then, there will be both benefits and significant costs for “pioneers.” It will take more than a few years before all parties to the design and construction process, particularly in healthcare, are fully up to speed with BIM and using it as an effective common language for describing and archiving work.”
“Always seems to be an issue of transparency on estimates. At the very least, this causes a loss of momentum in the project design and development. Transparency is essential to get the highest quality product for the investment.”
“Everything seems ok until the contractor is held accountable for overruns or schedule delays, then they actively seek to drive a wedge between the owner and design professional.”
“When the relationship is teamwork driven it is the best. When not it is the worst.”
“I thought it would be different once I cross seven seas and start working in different country but unfortunately it is same in most part of the World.”