Serving up your daily green design and operations dose
I have been subscribed to the H2E Info Exchange Listserv for a number of months now. As I am relatively new to the fields of healthcare design and operations, this listserv has been a helpful education tool for me. I get a daily dose of info on topics such as medical waste streams, sustainability missions and policies, composting, and healing gardens. The past few days, I’ve watched the listserv discuss how to address the fumes from idling vehicles—which sounds like an excellent topic for a future HEALTHCARE DESIGN Green Column.
There is always a sense of cooperativeness and teamwork in these e-mails that shoot back and forth across the country in the name of greening the hospital environment. It is obvious that these folks are really dedicated to the health of our communities. They take the time to educate one another and sort out the many avenues of what makes an environmentally friendly healthcare facility. The listserv is made up of hospital environmental and sustainability coordinators, educators, administrators, nurses, and others.
In light of the recently launched Global Health and Safety Initiative (of which H2E is a partner), this listserv is fulfilling one of the initiative’s established objectives: the creation of an open-source community to share best practices in the construction and operation of energy efficient, nontoxic healthcare environments.
For a daily update from the frontlines of greening the healthcare environment, check out H2E’s listserv at