Stantec Architecture Vancouver, BC: Memorial Cottage CTR Township of Langley, BC
Memorial Cottage is a new mental health rehabilitation facility located in Township of Langley, British Columbia. Set on the campus of Langley Memorial Hospital, the project strives to balance the clinical needs of a tertiary rehabilitation population with a residential feel and character. Residents will be staying from 6 weeks to 6 months in this new mental healthcare program.
The built form is a cluster layout of rooms around social areas, organized in four quadrants. Each cluster has its own kitchen, dining, and lounge and bathing facilities, with connections to the outdoors and views throughout. Common areas include activity areas and family visiting rooms. Central to the built form are clinical functions, offices, and a care team base.
The project includes extensive clerestory lighting to bring daylight into regularly occupied areas, attention to details including window seats, handicapped functions, and looping corridors to allow clear wayfinding and connection to views and pathways. The project occupies 1,600 square meters on one level with service spaces provided in a partial basement. The facility is built upon the foundation of Langley’s first hospital site and includes a heritage wall and interpretive features.
The project is pursuing LEED Gold certification with sustainable design initiatives including daylighting and solar shading, radiant floors with high efficiency mechanical systems, energy efficient and sensor-activated lighting, low VOC and healthy interior finishes, and sustainable construction measures.
Success for the project will be measured by the ability for the facility to provide restorative, calming spaces to allow residents to move back into their communities.
Jury Comment: This building displays a very crisp, simple, yet well-done exterior. The interior features bright splashes of color and great use of daylighting at interior corridors.