One of the many perks of being Editor-in-Chief of HEALTHCARE DESIGN is this very space, devoted on a monthly basis to allowing the EIC to discuss any number of topics under the sun, although generally at least somewhat related to the publication and/or the industry as a whole. Even in this time when everyone can express their opinions via the Internet—even if just to anonymously spout off on someone else’s blog—a dedicated column for expressing your own opinion to your peers can be a wonderful thing (deadlines not included) for the curious reader and most definitely for the thoughtful writer.

With that thought in mind, it should come as no surprise that our former EIC (and still-active Editor) Richard L. Peck, whose own thoughts graced this space from the magazine’s foundation right up until my debut in last month’s issue, should find himself still itching to get up on that soapbox he has become so accustomed to speaking from all these years. Richard’s new editorial column, Reflections, makes its bow on the final page of this very issue, restoring Richard’s distinctive (and welcome!) voice to the magazine’s landscape.

Now, lest this column just become an exercise in chest-thumping for Richard and I, to the point: as wonderful as I hope I’ve made the experience of editorializing sound above, HEALTHCARE DESIGN is most interested in spreading the wealth and giving interested readers their say. Richard’s Reflections column will be available from time to time for guest authors, and our semi-regular Perspectives column is available for longer opinion-type pieces. In addition, for those of you so inclined, our blog at is already home to several voices in the field, but we’re always looking for more. I encourage you all to register, read, respond, debate, and even post your own topics as the fancy strikes you.

Interested? Drop me a line at [email protected] and let me know what you want to discuss. We’ll do our best to find an avenue to let you join the fun.

Todd Hutlock, Editor-in-Chief


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Healthcare Design 2009 February;9(2):6