The 1.2 million-square-foot facility is designed to connect patients and staff to nature with an all-season courtyard, rooftop garden, and inpatient units oriented to outdoor views.
The 58,000-square-foot replacement facility will prioritize inclusive and biophilic design strategies to serve patients with physical, developmental, and communication challenges.
The renovation project increases patient capacity and delivers a calming environment by adding flex rooms and a milieu for group socialization and treatment.
Cooper University Hospital renovated patient care areas with positive distraction elements to create supportive environments for patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
The 1,600-square-foot pediatric orthopedic clinic in Barcelona features custom furniture, a bold color palette, and playful wayfinding and architectural elements.
Architecture Healthcare Design talked with jury members from the 2024 Nightingale Awards about product improvements for healthcare environments and how those rising to the top are delivering solutions to address operational issues.