News Notes
New National BIM Standard Released
The National Building Information Model Standard project (NBIMS) Executive Committee has released National BIM Standard Version 1—Part 1: Overview, Principles, and Methodologies for public use. This document, which includes contributions by more than 30 subject-matter experts in the capital facilities industry, incorporates industry comments and now contains new and expanded information about the NBIMS production and use process.
JCR Launches Design Service to Develop Patient-Safe Environments
Joint Commission Resources (JCR) has launched a new consulting program to help healthcare organizations create a patient-safe environment by critically evaluating, applying, and implementing science-based evidence surrounding the relationship between design, patient safety, and quality. The new Health and Safety Design service offers organizations an integrated approach to understanding, through an effective process, how evidence relates to design, safety and quality, and how to apply that evidence in making confident decisions about design.
Aircraft Noise Raises Blood Pressure Even While People are Sleeping
Nighttime noise from aircraft or traffic can increase a person’s blood pressure even if it does not wake them, according to a new study published in the European Heart Journal of the European Society of Cardiology. The researchers found that volunteers’ blood pressure increased noticeably after they experienced a ‘noise event’—a noise louder than 35 dB—such as aircraft travelling overhead, traffic passing outside, or a partner snoring. This effect could be seen even if the volunteer remained asleep and so was not consciously disturbed.
The researchers found that the increase in blood pressure was related to the loudness of the noise. For example, for every 5 dB increase in aircraft noise at its loudest point, there was an increase of 0.66 mmHg in systolic blood pressure.
New Survey Looks at Designers/Architects’ Internet Use for Product Research and Specification
The Trade Only Design Library, Inc., a specification library, has released the results of a survey of architects and designers from its membership of more than 37,000 trade professionals. The survey illustrates a change in product research and specification with clear results such as:
62% of respondents “use the Internet for product research or specification daily”
68% of respondents “don’t have the time I used to” for meetings with reps
44% of respondents “don’t participate in lunch-and-learn presentations”
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Web Exclusives
Construction Firm Wins Water Conservation Award for Medical Office Building Project
Jacob White Construction Co. received the Texas Rain Catcher Award in January from the Texas Water Development Board for the rainwater retention and harvesting systems incorporated into a new medical office building in Webster, Texas. The 48,000-square-foot LEED Gold certified building features a grass roof and systems for capturing, retaining, and harvesting rainwater for irrigation and plumbing. Learn more about the project and view a short slideshow of the process at
Web Inars
Produced by Vendome Group, LLC, in conjunction with The Center for Health Design, the 2008 HEALTHCARE DESIGN Webinar Series features top experts in the field of health design discussing topics that can be put directly to use in design projects. To find more programs, learn about the speakers, or to subscribe, visit
The Evolution of the Design of the Patient Unit (March 20)
Speakers: Deborah Ann Lepman, RN—Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian; Lari Maria Diaz, AIA—Healthcare Director, Kaplan McLaughlin Diaz; Langston Trigg—VP Facilites, Design & Construction, Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian
Desperately Seeking Safety (April 17)
Speakers: Paul Barach, MD, MPH—Visiting Professor, Anesthesia and Patient Safety, Center for Patient Safety, Utrecht University Medical Center; Bill Rostenberg, FAIA, FACHA—Principal, Director of Research, Anshen+Allen
The Greening of Nursery (June 19)
Speakers: Elizabeth MacMillan-York, RN, IBCLC—Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre; Lynne Wilson Orr, BID, MArch, OAA, MRAIC, ARIDO—Principal, Parkin Architects Limited; Antje Reid, BID, ARIDO (intern)—Interior Designer, Parkin Architects Limited
To review the remaining program topics, learn about the speakers, or to subscribe, visit