Social Media for Architects
Unless you've been living under a rock — or don't own a computer — chances are that you're aware of the Social Media revolution. Social Media is absolutely changing the way we communicate, and savvy businesspeople around the world have taken advantage of the medium to reach out to their potential audiences as they have never before.
Now, a new book aims to provide a guide to Social Media techniques specifically for the Architecure and Engineering community. Social Media in Action by public relations and marketing experts Amanda Walter (coincidentally, the former head of media relations at AECOM) and Holly Berkley guides A/E firms through the many Social Media options with the ultimate goals of forging a strategic plan, managing content, positioning firm members as thought leaders, and attracting various audiences — from bloggers to (ideally) potential clients.
In the publishing game, Social Media is a must — but has the A/E industry gotten to that point? And what exactly do the authors of this book know that other Social Media gurus don't? Are there specific techniques that apply to A/E firms that other types of companies don't know (or don't need to know)?
Well, yes and no. The Social Media landscape is still very much being determined, and the best advice any firm can take is to be active. But Social Media in Action does couch all of its advice in a context that all firms will find approachable, and therefore would be a handy guide for newcomers to the game. Whether your firm leadership feels that it needs a guide or not, your firm absolutely needs to have a Social Media presence to keep up with the times. But is it strictly a promotional and marketing game? Is there real information out there to be gleaned?
So where do you feel Social Media figures in to the current A/E industry landscape? Post your thoughts via the comment button below, or click here to send me an email with your thoughts.