California Hospital Medical Center Opens New 4-Story Grand Tower In Los Angeles
Dignity Health (San Francisco) opened a new 4-story Grand Tower at California Hospital Medical Center in Los Angeles, according to the Los Angeles Business Journal.
The 140,000-square-foot tower more than doubles the size of the hospital’s emergency department (ED) from 12,000 square feet to 28,000 square feet, including the addition of six trauma bays and 47 exam rooms. The $215 million project also includes expanded maternity and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) facilities, including 28 private postpartum rooms, 24 private rooms in the NICU, and three surgical suites.
The project team includes Devenney Group (architect; Scottsdale, Ariz.) and Swinerton Builders (general contractor; San Francisco).
Read more about Dignity Health here.