Akron Children’s Hospital Mahoning Valley Expansion Complete
A 55,800-square-foot expansion project for Akron Children’s Hospital Mahoning Valley in Boardman, Ohio, is now complete. The expansion creates a new front door to Building A, and to the campus itself, as well as consolidates services previously offered at other locations in the community.
The addition includes 47 new exam rooms, which are universally designed to accommodate both visiting specialists and full-time practices. The designed was tested through full-scale cardboard mock-ups by all specialties to address patient, family and staff needs. Any specialty can be scheduled in any exam room, maximizing schedule flexibility. The exam rooms are grouped into three distinct practice areas for primary care, as well as medical and surgical subspecialties. The addition also includes a sports rehabilitation area, public amenities such as a coffee shop, and out-of-clinic work space for staff and administrators.
In addition to consolidating services and creating a clear entrance to the campus, the expansion also includes more easily accessible parking spaces. Additionally, patients are able to check in for appointments at a regionalized registration area upon entering the lobby and then instructed where to go for their appointments.
Branding elements from the recent Kay Jewelers Pavilion project were implemented into the new addition to create continuity between the campuses, but with a different theme to reflect the community Akron Children’s Mahoning Valley serves. The “re-connecting to nature” theme incorporates butterflies, birds and turtles to create a brightly colored space for children to explore. Graphics, pictures, textiles and signs offer opportunities for education, wayfinding and positive distraction. Materials emulate wood, water and other natural elements.
The project’s designer was Hasenstab Architects, located in Akron, Ohio.