Toronto’s West Park Healthcare Centre Development Project Prequalifies Three Teams
Infrastructure Ontario (IO) and West Park Healthcare Centre (WPHC) have announced three teams prequalified to design, build, finance and maintain the facility’s hospital development project in Toronto.
Based on an open, competitive request for qualifications, a process that began in September 2016, the following three teams have been prequalified and will be invited to respond to a request for proposals, expected to be issued in spring 2017: EllisDon Infrastructure Healthcare, Plenary PCL Partnership and West Park Healthcare Partnership.
Targeting LEED Silver in the Canada Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system, the project will see the construction of a new hospital facility totaling approximately 730,000 square feet. The project also will include 314 beds (a 20 percent increase) and an increase in outpatient care space to accommodate services such as geriatric clinics and day hospital, and satellite hemodialysis.
Three existing hospital buildings, Main, Ruddy and Gage, will be demolished as well as the existing maintenance building. The new campus entrance will involve new public and private roads within the campus. There will be an extension of utility services and the construction of additional parking spaces, and an increased amount of green space with landscaping for outdoor therapy and therapeutic gardens.
IO and WPHC are working with the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care on the development of the hospital, which will see the hospital remain publicly owned, controlled and accountable. The West Park Healthcare Centre project is one of 20 health-care projects currently being managed by IO.