University Of Washington Medical Center Opens Center For Behavioral Health On Northwest Campus
University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle opened the Center for Behavioral Health and Learning on its northwest campus.
The $244 million, 150-bed facility replaces an existing 27-bed adult psychiatric unit across the campus, according to the Seattle Times.
The six-story building houses food service, conference rooms, and neuromodulation services on the ground level and medical/surgical beds on the second and third floors, according to a news release.
The top three floors house behavioral health inpatient units with standardized configurations designed to flex to a variety of client needs, including structured programs that promote independent functioning and transition to the community.
Open-concept social and dining spaces on these units are designed to support residential serenity and comfort, with smaller semiprivate spaces for patients to choose for areas of respite and quiet.
Dedicated outdoor patient terraces on the units provide access to fresh air and nature as well as a larger shared outdoor therapy/recreation space to support physical activity and exercise.
For a First Look at the project, go here.