Better Yet
We hear a lot about the concept of kaizen being used in healthcare design. But we should all be striving for continuous improvement—editors included. That’s why we here at Healthcare Design had to face the facts in 2016: Our website,, needed some help. Our content was, and is, great (I’m being objective, of course), but readers’ ability to find the articles they were seeking wasn’t so great, nor was the overall aesthetic and user experience.
So we began the renovation process, bringing our editorial and digital teams together to nail down a format that (1) brings a bold, sophisticated look and feel that echoes what we’ve accomplished here in the print magazine; (2) offers intuitive navigation and a user-friendly experience; and (3) organizes our content in a way that showcases what we do best.
And I think we’ve done it. The home page is anchored by a large-scale carousel rotating stellar project photography and highlighting our newest in-depth feature reports. Whether scrolling down or using the top navigation bar to continue, you’ll find content organized by News, Trends, Projects, Perspectives, Products, and Events + Competitions—obvious and easy entry points to the types of articles you’re seeking, packaged in a way that we hope keeps you scrolling, clicking, reading, and sharing.
I hope you’ve had a chance over the past few weeks to take a look and feel it out. Let me know what you think. It’s impossible to anticipate everything, so if you find a bug, we want to hear about it. And forgive us for any unexpected 404 errors along the way.
Now, getting back to the amazing content we publish, I want to remind you that we’re always planning upcoming issues, always looking for what’s next. And we want to hear from you! Whether you’d like to offer up an expert source, suggest a new project to be profiled, or byline a column or blog, we’re all ears—or eyes, I should say. Email is the best way to send your pitches; it allows us to share and review them as a team, and collectively decide what the ideal fit for your idea could be.
As my predecessor once said, though: “We’re very picky.” And we require content to be original and exclusive to Healthcare Design. Our inboxes are filled daily with press releases and queries that often miss the mark, so be sure to include a detailed summary of your story or perspective (specifically, why our readers would care and/or what they’ll learn) and attach a couple of low-res photos, if applicable, so we can see what you’re talking about. For more details on how to write winning pitches, see my blog at