buyers guide

The next Healthcare Design Buyers Guide will print in our January/February issue. If you provide products or services for the design of healthcare facilities and would like to include your company with a free basic listing, please provide your information below as it should appear in print. Deadline: December 2

We also offer optional enhancements to provide more information about your company. If you’d like to add logo, photo, or text, please contact [email protected] for the rates for these options.

When filling out the Category section, you can view a complete list here for reference.

There is also a separate online directory – see below for more information.

  • Please provide YOUR contact information so we can contact you with any questions about your listing (will not be printed)

  • Our separate online directory is offered by MediaBrains, our online partner. Please check here if you would NOT like MediaBrains to contact you for an online listing. (Free and upgraded listings available.). Please note that print and online enhancements are separate.