HCD Expo Facility Tour: Inova Women’s Hospital and Inova Children’s Hospital
Breaking ground in 2012 as a major piece of Inova Health System’s capital improvement program, the new Inova Women’s Hospital and Inova Children’s Hospital in Falls Church, Va., will open to patients in January 2016. But, first, attendees of the Healthcare Design Expo & Conference in Washington, D.C., got a sneak peek during facility tours held Saturday.
The two hospitals are actually housed in the same 660,000-square-foot building adjacent and attached to the main Inova Fairfax Hospital, each with distinct and separate identities. In total, the facility includes 192 women’s patient rooms, 118 pediatric patient rooms, a 108-bed NICU, 33 labor and delivery rooms, six C-section suites, and eight operating rooms.
Major project team members on hand for the tours were contractor Clark Construction Group and architect Wilmot Sanz.
With separate entrances and front desks, the two hospitals achieve their own identities despite the shared space thanks to the starring role interiors play throughout. The women’s areas use a neutral palette of soothing hues with splashes of bolder blues, while the children’s hospital takes more advantage of bright colors with an aqua shade bringing notes of softness.
Patient rooms in particular offer large windows with plentiful views and hospitality finishes that include headwall systems that, especially in the women’s labor and delivery suites, hide medical gasses and other more clinical components. A high-risk maternity floor offers access to a green roof chock-full of sedum and complemented by a gazebo, with ADA-accessible pathways throughout.
For the little ones, an outdoor playground is going up for pediatric patients complete with a basketball court, giant letter blocks, and a child-size helicopter and helipad, all designed atop a rubber flooring for safety. Structures within the playground will be integrated with technology to support nurse call systems.
The project also called for the construction of a new central utility plant and central energy plant and is seeking LEED Silver for New Construction.
See the image gallery for tour snapshots of the project in progress.