Healthcare Design announces its 2022 professional recognition programs to celebrate industry members making a difference in our field: The HCD 10 and Rising Star awards.

This year, nominations for the two programs will be open simultaneously, with a shared deadline of Monday, April 18. Nominations to both programs may be made by industry professionals and students.

The HCD 10 awards honor established professionals across 10 categories of nominees, including one for Outstanding Organization and one for Team MVP. The program seeks to highlight the accomplishments of individuals who are advancing the field of healthcare design.

The Rising Star programs celebrates newcomers to healthcare design who have focused on this sector for fewer than 10 years and who are poised to become the industry’s next-generation leaders.

To access The HCD 10 nomination form, go here.

To access the Rising Star nomination form, go here.

The HCD 10 winners will be recognized in the September issue of Healthcare Design and during an HCD 10 awards dinner to be held at HCD Forum, Sept. 7-9, in Napa Valley, Calif. The Rising Star winners will be recognized in the October issue of HCD and during an awards luncheon to be held at the 2022 HCD Conference + Expo, Oct. 8-11, in San Antonio, Texas.

For questions, please contact Editor-in-Chief Jennifer Kovacs Silvis at [email protected].